Audience ConneXion
The X Factor of Great Speakers
Audience ConneXion
The X Factor of Great Speakers
This little book conveys a very big truth - every speaker can learn how to engage and connect with an audience in an effective and memorable way. Audience connection is the ‘X’ factor to effective communication and lasting impact. In this book, the key elements of audience connection are explained and illustrated in a practical and relevant way. As a World Championship Speaking Finalist, Donny Crandell writes like he speaks: clear, engaging and inspiring. All you need is about an hour to read through some helpful tips that could affect your speaking connection for a lifetime.
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Words of a Warrior
Life Lessons From King David
Words of a Warrior
Life Lessons From King David
This book contains ten snapshots of David’s life. Although, snapshots will not teach us everything about a person, they will give us some valuable clues. With each glimpse in David’s life, you will form a new or deeper understanding of God’s work in the life of a man. As a warrior, you will appreciate his spirituality and his humanity, his passions and his weaknesses. He sets a great example in many areas of life. Yet, at the same time, we can learn some valuable lessons from his mistakes. I believe we can learn a lot from someone with the authenticity, courage, and humility of David.
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King Sized Leadership
Leadership Lessons From King David
King Sized Leadership
Leadership Lessons From King David
Though leadership may be challenging to define, we all know it when we see it. At the very least, leadership inspires, impacts, motivates, influences, and challenges followers. One of the biggest epiphanies of leadership is when we realize that all of us are leaders on one level or another. We’re all called to make a difference! We can learn effective leadership concepts from many different people and King David is no exception. These leadership lessons from David’s life are practical, relevant, and reproducible. May our leadership effectiveness grow in depth and breadth as we take the journey of learning leadership lessons from King David.
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Overcoming Fear
How David Overcame Goliath
Overcoming Fear
How David Overcame Goliath
We live in a world that is paralyzed by fears and phobias. We fear things like: losing our jobs, cancer, being rejected, aging, public speaking, failure, war, and many other things. Thankfully, we have an example of how to overcome our fear and defeat our giants because of a shepherd boy named David. When everybody else was running from their giant in fear, David utilized successful strategies to face fear and overcome the giant. None of us want to go through life debilitated and paralyzed because of fear. God desires that our fear be replaced with love, our timidity with confidence, and our Goliath with victory. Grab some stones with me, put them in your pouch, and let’s learn from a man who overcame the odds.
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Loving Truth
A Biblical Model of Forgiving Your Offender
Loving Truth
A Biblical Model of Forgiving Your Offender
Forgiveness doesn't come naturally for most of us. It's a skill-set that can be learned and practiced. Loving Truth provides us with a model that demonstrates several key components of forgiveness that can be reproduced in our own lives. We need to understand the power of forgiveness because sometimes we'll be receiving it and sometimes extending it. Problems, miscommunication and shortcomings are inevitable in all relationships. Forgiveness is the key to keep our relationships honest, healthy and flowing. Relationships are hard work and always involve sacrifice from both sides. My prayer is that 'loving truth' will be the two words you remember when it comes to dealing with conflict in your relationships. Loving your offender enough to speak the truth has tremendous benefits for us and others.
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Where is Your Confidence
Confidence in God Builds Confidence in Us
Where is Your Confidence
Confidence in God Builds Confidence in Us
Developing confidence never begins by looking inward, but upward. Our confidence is always derived and proportionate to our trust in God’s character and attributes. All of us could use an extra portion of confidence in some area of our lives whether we lack confidence in public speaking, breaking a bad habit, fulfilling goals, self-worth, or any host of other issues. The good news is that whatever your confidence level is today, it can develop beautifully with a healthy view of who God is and what He can do in your life. May we all live securely in God’s goodness, free in His forgiveness, excited about His transformation, trusting in His justice, blessed by His provision, and comforted by His presence.
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